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Artsmark Award

We are delighted to inform you that Hallaton Church of England Primary School has been awarded the Artsmark Silver Award.

We are really pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Silver Artsmark Award.

This is what Arts Council England had to say about our school..

“The panel was pleased to read of the ways in which you have increased your range of offer in the arts and have seen the benefits to the children. The enrichment of their experiences through trips and through their critical and creative responses to these is of note. The enthusiasm of your staff is commendable.”


The Arts Council England celebrates your commitment to arts and cultural education and the opportunities emerging across your provision. Your children and young people are offered equal opportunity to participate in a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences and you recognise the importance of development opportunities for your staff in these areas. You understand the value of working with arts and cultural organisations and are developing partnerships to enhance your provision. Your children and young people have an opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of arts and culture and you are working to build on the foundations of your provision.”


We have worked hard to achieve this and look forward to working toward the Gold Award in the future!