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Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class!  
We are a Year 1 and EYFS Class taught by Miss Chattaway and supported by Mrs Grace. 

Throughout the year we take part in the school’s Harvest Festival, Christmas Christingle Concert and Easter Service. We also take part in the Key Stage One nativity performance. 

Monday afternoons at Forest School:

Our Homework:

In Year 1 we have Maths and Spelling Homework every week, which is handed out on a Wednesday and given in on a Monday.

Year 1 Spellings Autumn 1 term 
Year 1 Spellings Autumn 2 term 
Year 1 Spellings Spring 1 term 
Year 1 Spelling Spring 2 term
Year 1 Spellings Summer 1 term
Year 1 Spellings Summer 2 term


We are also expected to read each day, approximately 10 minutes per day. Our reading books are required to be in school each day. In Oak Class, we have one reading book selected by the teacher at the right level for our ability. We also choose a book to take home from our School library, of our own interest; this may be at a higher level than our reading ability, so we will need support to read it. (Please make sure all reading is recorded in your child's Reading Record, which will be regularly monitored by the teacher.) 

A useful video to help your child with their sounding out when reading: How to pronounce pure sounds

Our PE Day is on a Tuesday every week - we can come to school in our PE kit; blue tracksuit, leggings or shorts and a red t-shirt (School PE shirts are available from our Uniform supplier).

We also have Forest School on a Monday, please make sure Forest School clothes are in school and include old warm and waterproof clothing to change into.

Autumn 1 Learning Organisers

Year 1 History Learning Organiser - Toys
Year 1 English Learning Organiser - Toys

Year 1 Computing Learning Organiser - Online Safety
Year 1 Art Learning Organiser - Make Your Mark
Year 1 Science Learning Organiser -The Human Body

Autumn 2 Learning Organisers

Year 1 English Learning Organiser - The Marvellous Moon Map
Year 1 Music Learning Organiser - Dynamics, timbre & tempo
Year 1 Computing Learning Organiser - Mouse Skills
Year 1 Science Learning organiser - Materials

Spring Learning Organisers

Year 1 English Learning Organiser - Explorers
Year 1 History & Geography Learning Organiser - Nature Explorers
Year 1 Science Learning Organiser - Animals Including Humans
Year 1 Art Learning Organiser - Painting
Year 1 PSHCE Learning Organiser - Diverse Britain
Year 1 Computing Learning Organiser - Algorithms unplugged
Year 1 English Learning Organiser - Castles
Year 1 Humanities Learning Organiser - Castles
Year 1 DT Learning Organiser - Textiles - Puppets
Year 1 Computing Learning Organiser - Digital Imagery

Summer Learning Organisers

Year 1 People Who Help Us Learning Organiser
Year 1 Art Learning Organiser - Sculpture and 3D
Year 1 Computing Learning Organiser - Programming Bee Bots
Year 1 Music Learning Organiser - Superheroes Pitch & Tempo
Year 1 Science Learning Organiser - Plants