Willow Class
Welcome to Willow Class!
We are a Year 5 and 6 Class taught by Miss Franklin and supported by Mrs Hulme and Mrs Grace.
As members of the eldest class, we are given greater responsibilities across the school, and aim to be 5R Ambassadors and receive all of our stars by the end of Year 6. We also support the new children in our school settle in, helping them at breaktime and lunch.
Years 5 and 6 also have the opportunity to attend a three day residential every year in the Summer term. Every other year we have the chance to take part in Bikeability which teaches us the skills needed so we cycle safely and confidently on the roads.
We take part in leading the school’s Harvest Festival, Christmas Christingle Concert and Easter Service. We also lead a church service for our school, families and community.
Our Homework:
We have Maths and Spelling Homework every week, which is handed out on a Wednesday and given in on a Monday.
Year 6 Spellings Autumn 1 term
Year 5 Spellings Autumn 1 term
Year 6 Spellings Autumn 2 term
Year 5 Spellings Autumn 2 term
Year 6 Spellings Spring 1 term
Year 5 Spellings Spring 1 term
Year 6 Spellings Spring 2 term
Year 5 Spellings Spring 2 term
Year 6 Spellings Summer 1 term
Year 5 Spellings Summer 1 term
Year 6 Spellings Summer 2 term
Year 5 Spellings Summer 2 term
We are also expected to read each day, approximately 20 minutes per day. Our reading books are required to be in school each day. In Willow Class, we can choose our own reading book from our class library (with guidance from an adult where necessary to broaden our reading experience or to provide appropriate challenge). We also choose a book to take home from our School library, of our own interest; this may be at a higher level than our reading ability, so we will need support to read it. In Year 5 and 6, we are responsible for changing our own books and updating our Reading Records, which are regularly monitored by our teacher.
Our PE Day is on a Wednesday every week - we can come to school in our PE kit; blue tracksuit, leggings or shorts and a red t-shirt (School PE shirts are available from our Uniform supplier).
Autumn Term Learning Organisers
Year 5&6 Science Learning Organiser - Earth & Space
Year 5&6 English Learning Organiser - Paperman
Year 5&6 History Learning Organiser - Victorians
Year 5&6 RE Learning Organiser - What does it mean if God is Holy and loving
Year 5&6 Computing Learning organiser - Online safety
Year 5&6 Art Learning organiser - 3D & Sculpture
Year 5&6 Science Learning Organiser - Animals Including Humans
Year 5&6 English Learning Organiser - Northern Lights
Year 5&6 Geography Learning Organiser - Amazing Americas
Year 5&6 RE Learning Organiser - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
Jaune - French Learning Organiser - Autumn
Spring Term Learning Organisers
Year 5&6 RE Learning Organiser - Why do Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah?
Year 5&6 Science Learning Organiser - Properties & Changes of Materials
Year 5&6 History Learning Organiser - Shang Dynasty